How is construction software revolutionizing communication on construction sites? Valoon shows the way!

In the construction industry, communication is the key to success. Any delay or misunderstanding can be costly. This is where Valoon comes in, an innovative startup that is fundamentally changing the way people communicate on construction sites.

What is construction software?

Construction software is a digital helper that has been specially developed to optimize processes in the construction industry. Valoon supports the planning, implementation and documentation of construction projects.

Valoon's solution approach

Valoon has created construction management software that fits perfectly into daily processes. What makes it special: It integrates with messenger services such as WhatsApp, MS Teams and Telegram. This means that construction workers do not have to get used to new programs, which significantly increases acceptance.

The advantages of Valoon's construction software

  • Seamless integration into existing communication channels
  • Structured communication thanks to artificial intelligence
  • Automated documentation that saves time and reduces errors
  • Improved efficiency by reducing manual work processes

Example from practice

Imagine you are a site manager and need to quickly pass on important information to all team members. With Valoon's construction software, you can send this information with one click via the messenger of your choice. Information doesn't get lost and everyone is up to date.

The future of the construction industry

Tools such as Valoon's construction software are driving the digital transformation in the construction industry. Efficiency on construction sites is increasing and construction projects can be completed faster, more cost-effectively and with fewer errors.


Valoon impressively demonstrates how the right construction software can revolutionize communication on construction sites. It is not only a relief for the construction personnel, but also a benefit for the entire project.

Become part of this revolution and take your construction site communication to the next level. Want to find out more? Click here for more exciting insights!

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